Wes and Brandi Duvall
3204 River Road
Pottsville, AR 72858
Moonshine Creek Quarter Horses is a small farm, nestled in the River Valley of Arkansas, where
we have developed a breeding program that emphasizes Blue Valentine. We line breed Blue
Valentine and outcross on a variety of bloodlines through our mares.
Moonshine Creek strives
to produce top quality quarter horses that will excel on the ranch, in the arena, or just out for a
pleasure ride. Emphasis on conformation, ample bone structure, athletic ability, and most of all,
unbelievable dispositions in our foals is our top priority. Our goal is to raise the type of foal that
a person will love to be around and enjoy working with inside or outside the arena.
Creek’s mares carry a variety of pedigrees which include Blue Valentine, Fox Coup, Leo Hancock
Hayes, Gooseberry, Doc Bar, Blondys Dude, Two Eyed Jack, OK Star, Bert, and King. As it was
with Charless Bewley, and my father back when I was a boy, we believe in honesty and let our
horses do their own talking when we have visitors on the farm. If you are ever passing through
Arkansas, feel free to stop and visit us, our gate is always open.